Pride 2011: Marriage Is...

marriage is - menFor this year's Pride Festivals we want to celebrate all the success of the past 12 months: 73% support for marriage equality in the most recent polls, a commitment in the Programme for Government to look at 'the provision of same sex marriage' and the launch of a ground-breaking report on children in Ireland with lesbian and gay parents. Now that Civil Partnership is in the bag, it's time to gear ourselves up for all the work we have to do to make marriage equality a reality finally in Ireland.

Our theme this year is "Marriage Is..." We'll have t-shirts and posters (featuring these super-cute images!) with a blank space at the bottom that you can fill in with your message of what marriage means to you. Maybe it's about love, or family, or basic human rights, or equality.

Whatever marriage means to you, we want to make sure that our message is heard loud and clear. We want everyone to understand that marriage matters to same sex couples for the same reasons it matters to everyone else.marriage is - women

Of course it's important to celebrate important milestones like Civil Partnership that was achieved in the past year, but this year's Pride festivals are our chance to highlight that we're not there yet. We need to keep pushing for equality for same sex couples, for our families and for our children. We need to send a message to anyone watching or listening that equality is something worth fighting for.

So come out and make your voice heard.

Please RSVP to Dawn and let us know if you'll be marching with us.

Telephone: 01 873 4183

We can't do this without you, so please get in touch and help make a difference.